Bar rescue gay bar las vegas episode

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Bar Rescue has a fixed budget to “rescue” each bar and the majority of that was spent on exterior paint and signage/lighting. There are other Vegas venues (both gay and straight) doing much, much worse, including prostitution, forcing employees to work for free because checks won’t clear, liquor law violations, etc. Editors are instructed to edit the show a certain way, and producers “guide” the people involved to get the result they want for entertainment purposes. Having worked in television, I can tell you, without a doubt, there is a process. It might be the same as posting “Black Ole Time” in a predominately african american nightclub.ĭaniel DeeJay Ricoché Geer the DJ has also commented.

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This was considered a slap in the face to the gay community with the unusually bright lighting behind the bar.

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We have also found out that the Gay Ol Time signage was edited out of the final show of Bar Rescue.

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